Friday, November 14, 2008

Hi all!

Hisashiburi ne?! (that means it's been a while hasn't it?!).

So much has happened since I last filled you in. I have made the change to my second host family already. I love them! They don't speak any English but it's OK because I am able to understand what they are saying now! Communication is difficult but I can do it!

This is my new host family!

Okay so update time... I was in a fashion show for snowboarding wear! SO COOL! I never thought I would be a model in Japan!

Also my previous host mother's brother's wife took me to see some traditional geisha dancing. It was beautiful to see! There were so many colours!

This is me and my first host mother

School is getting better and better all the time! Finally I am conversing with my classmates in Japanese! It is so great! I have made so many friends at school and outside school! Everyone knows my name! It's crazy! Also on Halloween I baked cupcakes for my entire class!

Soon it will be my birthday! I will be 18 and Rotary wants to celebrate it with me :D I am happy! And my host mom wants to make me a cake and have some of my friends over!

Take care until next time!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

I'm trying to join the Rotary Youth Exchange. My last interview is this next Saturday. I'm really excited.
I've taken Japanese for 4 years and Japan is my first choice if I am picked.
I loved reading your blog. It is so exciting! You seem to be having such a great time:)
Good luck for the rest of this year!